Skunks are a source of constant headaches to home and pet owners, especially when they infest yards and decks. They have secretory glands that release a foul-smelling odor that is difficult to get rid of. They can also be aggressive and attack dogs and other pets that want to play. Wild skunks are antisocial animals that prefer their own company and are most active at night.

Humans have adopted skunks for more than 60 years, and skunks have undergone a series of domestication processes to become friendly companions to their owners and great pets. As pets, these animals show entertaining mischief and love for adventure and fun, making them their favorite domesticated wildlife, and many skunk lovers are welcoming them to their homes as pets.

When it comes to skunks, the major aversion of people is the musky, foul-smelling spray that they produce. This, however, is not a problem when you keep skunks as pets as veterinarians descented baby skunks at an early age. The males get de-scented when they are about 3-4 months and females at about 4-6 months. While some people argue that the de-scenting of skunks is as inhumane as debarking, ear pinning, tail docking, and ear clawing, veterinarians acknowledge that de-scenting is a very simple procedure that is much like spaying.

Pet Skunk Habits
· FEEDING: Pet skunk feed is a mixture of dried fruits, vegetables, and protein from animal sources that include poultry, insects, fish, and brands like Skunkie Delight add ground turkey to their food mix. Mealworm feed is another option for pet skunks as they are cheaper and tastier.
· DIURNAL HABITS: Wild skunks are most active at night, buy pet skunk owners can train their skunks to have a sleep cycle that mirrors theirs. These animals are fun-loving pets that are very playful and cuddly, giving hours of entertainment and fun to their owners and caretakers. The downside to having a pet skunk is that it still has an innate love for garbage, and you may have to make several rescue trips to your garbage can daily.
· PLAYTIME: Pet skunks have a poor homing sense, just like ferrets, so you need to supervise them during playtime, especially when they are outdoors. They are also helpless against attacks since their primary defense mechanism of spraying is missing. Therefore, as the skunk owner, you must keep your pet skunk safe from harm and attacks. Skunks naturally love to dig and scratch and so your furniture should be skunk-proof or create a play area for your pet skunk where it can fully express itself without accidents or damaging your furniture. This play area should have toys and chew materials; the play area should also have blankets to satisfy their cuddly nature.
· SKUNK LEARNED HABITS: Pet skunks can learn to go to the bathroom without messing up their living area. Skunks are intelligent creatures that easily adapt and learn quickly. That makes it easier to teach them to use a litter box. When the skunk is missing the litter box, spray some vinegar in the area that it can associate with bad odor and watch it learn to go to the bathroom in the litter box.
· LIFESPAN: The lifespan of a wild skunk ranges from three to five years, but a pet skunk can live up to ten years with love and care from its pet parents. Before keeping a skunk as a pet, you must know the state laws concerning skunk ownership and ensure that keeping a skunk as a pet is legal in your area. States like Florida, Ohio, Indiana, and New Jersey allow citizens to keep skunks as pets as long as they carry a permit.

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